“The Israelites prayed that God would speak to Moses and not to them; in consequence of which he cursed them with a carnal law."
that! Can you imagine?! If the children of Israel in that day, were
cursed by God because they said Moses must talk to God and not us, how
much greater must be the damnation upon those who say, you must not talk
to God because we have one who does so for you! Who preach: you're
not entitled to receive anything beyond the bonds of your limited
position, in this beehive we've constructed! Damnable heresy! Doctrines
of devils! Propounded by those who are purveyors of a false
priestcraft! Unauthorized by God! Unsanctioned by Him! They suffer not
themselves to enter in, and they will hedge up the way if you will heed
them. There is no man on his own errand in this world, who can offer to
you salvation. But if God sends a message you better heed it, even if
you find it difficult to hear."
-Denver Snuffer
A soft heart, a willing mind, God have mercy upon me a sinner, each time I pray, I feel a great need to have the Lord's atoning sacrifice applied to me. Every time I serve and ponder about living by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, the need for angels and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, virtue, knowledge, temperance, brotherly kindness, Godliness, humbles my mind to beg for the redeeming sacrifice to apply and purity of heart to be achieved by me and my family, friends and even enemies.