Sunday, April 6, 2014

Are Mormons in trouble?

There are a lot of things that the early lds church members weren't perfect at. And likewise, there are a lot of things that modern day church members struggle with.   But there is ONE specific thing that caused The Lord to put "the whole church" under condemnation.  He said "this condemnation resteth upon the children of Zion, EVEN ALL." D&C84

And interestingly enough, President Benson said we're under condemnation for the same thing. What is that one thing and why is it that? And not something else seemingly more grievous?

It is for taking The Book of Mormon lightly.
Well, what's the big deal with the BOM? Lots of things, but one of them is, it tells the story of our cozy little Mormon church slipping away into apostasy, and eventual downfall. (Unless repentant) If a person is reading the BOM without an understanding of who the Gentiles are, and who The Remnant is, then they are missing a very loud message that's taught all throughout. It's explained quite clearly who's who in the title page. 

When it's understood that we are grouped in with, and considered Gentiles-as far as the context of the BOM is concerned.. The book then becomes very sobering indeed! In fact, it becomes our greatest condemner. When ironically enough, we continue to pass it out to all the world. 

I'm afraid that the wheat and the tares are not going to be as easily discernible as people think. There is corruption in our church, and many people will falter when that corruption starts to be revealed. They will throw the baby out with the bath water, because their testimony is based on the righteousness of the top 15 etc.  Whereas, if it's rooted in Jesus Christ and the BOM, then when the walls start to crumble, they will still be left standing. It won't matter one whit who's doing what! Things like tattoos, double earrings, mild barley drinks, coffee, long hair, beards, white shirts, ties, etc. etc. have become our measuring sticks against one another.  When those things are incredibly unimportant.

I would love to see someone get up in General Conference on Saturday wearing jeans and a button up shirt. It'd be amazing! That's the equivalent of what Christ did in his day. We are becoming Pharisees, and can't even see it. The warnings are there in the BOM as plain as day. "And they shall remain under this condemnation until they repent and remember the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon."

Our friend, and wilderness prophet Hugh Nibley, also had a lot to say about it...


  1. I have been concerned about this for a long time. We ARE becoming JUST LIKE the Pharisees. We are given counsel and we take it as a measuring stick against our neighbor - THIS HAS TO STOP. I think most of it is cultural. This is NOT the example of the Lord....

  2. I remember very well a general conference talk by President Hinckley decrying us for judging others and being "Pharisees" in our dress and conduct. We really need to repent of our "culture". I know people look down on me because of my beard - but it makes me want to keep it all the more. I like it, my wife likes it, and it is no reflection on my spirituality or "who" I am.
