Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Lectures on Faith

"Joseph Smith understood the correct doctrine. And he's trying to give you the character, the nature, the attributes of God, because until you get that correct, you're not going to have the power to exercise faith in Him. This is why you're going to encounter some amount of resistance between what it is you need to believe, and what it is everybody in your generation believes. It doesn't matter. The responsibility is placed upon you to understand what is true, and what is false. You have to choose. You have to sort it out. You have to come to the correct conclusion. It is only by exercising faith in the correct conclusion that you manage to align yourself with that narrow window through which the heavens are opened, where Jacob’s ladder is found"
Denver Snuffer -Lectures on Faith

I read the Lectures on Faith for the first time this past year.  If you've never read them, or your copy is dusty,  I HIGHLY recommend them.  Game changer.

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