Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pretty Bird

I like birds. 

I notice them. I get excited when I see uncommon birds flying around.  Because of that, I realized one day that I didn't have much of an affinity for Robins. 
They were just so common around my house as a child.  I'd see them every day. So as an adult I didn't think they were all that special, or even very pretty. 


But one day I was looking at a Robin in my yard, and I realized something.  I LOVE the color turquoise.. always have.  And those ever-so-ordinary Robin birds have magnificent turquoise eggs!  Why?! What makes Robins so special? That splendid color, seemingly has nothing to do with them.  

I thought about this a lot over the next few weeks.  
I happen to be simultaneously learning about the tradition of animal totems.  An almost foreign concept to me at the time.  So I used my google-fu skills and looked up the Robin.  I found an enchanting story about that little bird...

"Medieval Europe lore often depicted the robin attending the Christ child, an emblem of the Passion to come. The tiny robin flew to Jesus’ Crown of Thorns, striving bravely to pluck the thorns away with his beak. Unfortunately, the bird only tore his own breast on the thorns. Since then it was thought that robins wore red feathers on their chests as a badge of honor."

loved that sweet story.  And whether or not it's true, I've never looked at a Robin quite the same. And come to think of it...  (Meaning I literally just thought of this as I posted that picture) That nest really does resemble a crown of thorns--encompassing a precious treasure! 

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